
This Website is based on the film ANOTHER EARTH, which is a 2011 American independent science fiction-drama film directed by Mike Cahill.

Source: Fox Searchlight, youtube.com

Mike Cahill tells the story of a gifted young woman, Rhoda Williams, who tries to amend a terrible tragedy. She lives in a world just like ours. But then unexpectedly a very similar planet as ours appears in the sky, which is temporarily baptized Earth 2. For Rhoda, this strange, spooky planet, together with its parallel reality, which the scientists suspect, is her last hope. A tragic accident has destroyed her dream of becoming an astrophysicist. She has lost all faith in her future, only the struggle with the past keeps her alive. And so one day Rhoda stands in front of the door of the renowned composer John Burrough, the man whose life the accident has irrevocably changed. Both of them are completely rootless, suspicious about everything and full of doubt about who they really are. They fall in love and have a highly unusual relationship.
When Rhoda gets the unexpected chance to travel to Earth 2, the hidden truth between them comes to light, and a fundamental question arises: What if the greatest mystery in the universe is ourselves?

What if there's another you out there?